3 Day Ranch Riding Clinic
August 15 - 17th, 2025
Northfield, NH
Is showing something that you really would like to get into? Or maybe you do not want to show but you want to work towards having the control and finesse that a show horse has? Need to improve those Ranch Riding scores in the pen? Ever introduced your horse to the flag? It is a great way to get them locked onto something and put your skills to the test on the mechanical cow (flag)
If these all sound like something you would like to do, then this clinic is for you!
We will work on transitions, body control, how to handles emotions in the pen, softness of the face, spins, stopping, creating the perfect walk, and more! We will break down each thing that creates a great Ranch Horse and help you and your horse achieve it!
New to the sport, that is okay. Michael tailors each of his clinics to their riders and modifies as needed.
This clinic is $750 for the 3 Days. A $200 deposit is required to hold your spot. All deposits are NON REFUNDABLE.
Limited number of riders
Auditors are welcome for $30 a day.
Stalls available for rent - $60 per day Includes stalls, bedding, turn out if needed. Night checks.
Yurts available to rent onsite. $100 per night. Living quarters parking $30 per night. No hook ups available.
Clinic is located in Northfield, NH.
Access to both indoor and outdoor facility.
Filling out this form registers you for the clinic. You must rent stalls/yurts directly with Clinic Host Amelia Lorden
About Your Horse
**Stallions must be PREAPPROVED by Michael & Julia in order to attend a clinic. *
Emergency Contacts